REVE 2015 - 3rd International workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering
held in conjunction with SPLC2015 - 19th International Software Product Line Conference21 July 2015, Nashville, TN USA
9:00 to 12:30
Location: Music City Center
Variability management of a product family is the core aspect of Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE).
The adoption of an SPL approach requires a high upfront investment that will allow to automatically generate product instances based on customer needs.
Mining existing assets could dramatically reduce the costs and risks of this adoption.
Those existing assets use to be similar product variants that were implemented using ad-hoc reuse techniques such as copy-paste-modify.
Bottom-up approaches to automatically extract variability management related artifacts could be proposed, applied, validated and improved in this domain.
We propose this workshop to fill the gap between the Reengineering and SPLE communities.
- To provide a meeting point for researchers and practitioners in reverse engineering for variability.
- To review and formulate a research agenda in reverse engineering for variability.
- To identify and gather a corpus of case studies and benchmarks to benefit the research and practitioner community.