Reverse Variability Engineering

Workshop program

Tuesday 21 July
9:00 Workshop opening, welcome note and introduction
REVE Organizers

From Basic Variability Models to
Mathieu Acher, Irisa, Inria and University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France

9:45-10:15 Long paper
Automating the Variability Formalization of a Model Family By Means of Common Variability Language
Jaime Font, San Jorge University, Spain
Manuel Ballarín, San Jorge University, Spain
Øystein Haugen, Østfold University College, Norway
Carlos Cetina, San Jorge University, Spain

10:15-10:45 Coffee break

Introduction to Bottom-Up Technologies for Reuse and ECCO: Two approaches for Reverse Engineering Software Product Lines
Jabier Martinez, University of Luxembourg and Sorbonne Universités, Luxembourg
Lukas Linsbauer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Stefan Fischer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

11:30-12:15 Panel
Reverse Engineering Software Product Lines
A view from the trenches
Charles Krueger, BigLever
Danilo Beuche, pure-systems

12:15-12:30 Final discussions. Workshop wrap up.

12:30 End of workshop and lunch