Reverse Variability Engineering

Call for Papers

REVE 2014
2nd International workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering
held in conjunction with SPLC2014 - 18th International Software Product Line Conference
September 16, 2014
Florence, Italy

Variability management of a product family is the core aspect of Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE). The adoption of this mature approach requires a high upfront investment before being able to automatically generate product instances based on customer requirements. However, this adoption costs and risks could be reduced with an incremental approach, which mines existing assets and then transitions to full product line engineering. Those existing assets can be for instance similar product variants that were implemented using ad-hoc reuse techniques such as clone-and-own. Bottom-up approaches to automatically extract variability management related artifacts could be proposed, applied, validated and improved in this domain. We propose this workshop to fill the gap between the Reengineering and SPLE communities as this collaboration will be very useful for both sides.

- To provide a meeting point for researchers and practitioners in the area
- To review and formulate a research agenda in reverse engineering for variability
- To identify and gather a corpus of case studies and benchmarks to benefit the research and practitioner community

Workshop Topics
We will encourage submissions that push the state of the art and practice in the following topics (but not limited to):
- Reverse engineering of feature models and feature constraints
- Reverse engineering of derivation templates for code generation
- Reverse engineering of variability management models for model instances derivation
- Product Line Architecture reengineering
- Refactoring theories and techniques for SPLE
- Feature and concept location techniques applied in the variability context
- Clone detection techniques for identifying code and model similarities
- Literature reviews on evolution and reverse engineering of software product lines
- Case studies and benchmark examples for reverse engineering tools
- Mining variability from software repositories
- Program analysis for reverse variability engineering
- Tacit knowledge and collaboration during re-engineering process

Important dates
Paper submissions: June 10, 2014. Extended: Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Paper notifications: July 10, 2014
SPLC 2014 Early registration deadline: To be announced
Final version of papers: July 20, 2014
REVE 2014 Workshop: 16 September afternoon, 2014
SPLC 2014 Conference: 15-19 September 2014

Submission details
Submission types: Authors interested in participating in the workshop are requested to submit either:
- Regular paper (max. 8 pages) that presents original research or industrial experience report
- Short paper (4 pages) that describes sound new ideas and concepts that are under research or experimental studies at industrial settings.
Format: Submissions should use the ACM SIGS proceedings format.
Submission: All papers submitted to the workshop must be unpublished original work and must not have been submitted anywhere else for publication. Each paper will be reviewed by three PC members and accepted papers will be selected based on quality, novelty, and relevance to the workshop topic. Papers should be submitted via
Best artifact award: A special award will be conferred to the best artifact or tool submitted. The decision will be taken based on the paper reviews and the matu- rity and usability of the tools or case studies presented. The goal of this award is to promote and encourage the public disclosure of both tools and case studies for the common benefit of the research and practitioner community. REVE2014 organizers are also promoting a post-workshop special issue about Reverse Vari- ability Engineering. More news soon.

- Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, (Main Contact)
- Tewfik Ziadi, UMR CNRS, LIP6-MoVe, Paris, France
- Jabier Martinez, University of Luxembourg, SnT, Luxembourg
- Anil Kumar Thurimella, Harman Automotive Division, Munich, Germany

Technical Program Committee
- Christian Kastner, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Julia Rubin, IBM, Israel
- Vander Alves, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
- Angela Lozano, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Aitor Murguzur, Ikerlan, Spain
- Mathieu Acher, University of Rennes, France
- Jens Krinke, University College London, UK
- Jacques Klein, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Jennifer Pérez Benedí, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Oscar Díaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Raul Mazo, University Paris 1, France
- Kentaro Yoshimura, Hitachi, Japan
- Jason Mansell, Tecnalia, Spain
- Haitham S. Hamza, Cairo University, Egypt
- Elmar Juergens, CQSE, Germany

Previous workshops
REVE 2013 held at CSMR2013 - 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering