Reverse Variability Engineering

Submission details

Submission types: Authors interested in participating in the workshop are requested to submit either:

  • Regular paper (max. 8 pages) that presents original research or industrial experience report
  • Short paper (4 pages) that describes sound new ideas and concepts that are under research or experimental studies at industrial settings.

Format: Submissions should use the ACM SIGS proceedings format.
Templates for Word and LaTeX are available at

Submission: All papers submitted to the workshop must be unpublished original work and must not have been submitted anywhere else for publication. Each paper will be reviewed by three PC members and accepted papers will be selected based on quality, novelty, and relevance to the workshop topic. Papers should be submitted via

Best artifact award: A special award will be conferred to the best artifact or tool submitted. The decision will be taken based on the paper reviews and the maturity and usability of the tools or case studies presented. The goal of this award is to promote and encourage the public disclosure of both tools and case studies for the common benefit of the research and practitioner community.